MATHguide: Help Center
Updated July 3rd, 2023
MATHguide would like to share the details regarding the use of our community forums, called The Help Center. Read about our goals, new bulletin board, privacy policy, collection of data, use of data, sharing information with third parties, and children's online privacy protection act. Also, find information on reporting a problem.

MATHguide's goal is to assist others learn mathematics by providing online content, dynamic systems, and community forums that are safe for all users.

New Bulletin Board
MATHguide's new bulletin board has many new features not found in the old board. The most important feature is that users must register in order to use our services. We hope that our free services will continue to serve the global Internet community without interferance from spammers.

Keep in mind that only registered users are allowed to post messages, but the process only takes about two minutes to complete. To access it, click HERE.

Privacy Policy
We want you to know that MATHguide takes your privacy seriously. While using our service, we attempt to minimize the personal information that we need from you. We collect industry standard information to help us provide you with better products and services. We always want you to be fully informed of how this information is gathered and used.

Collection of Data
When you register an account, we ask you to provide us with a username, password and (possibly) email address. In addition to the information you choose to provide to us, MATHguide also collects other technical information such as IP addresses and the date and time of your visit.

We will also place a "cookie" on your computer's hard drive. A cookie is an alphanumeric identifier that is unique to your browser. This cookie will identify your browser when you visit our site again so that we may customize your visit. If you do not wish to have a cookie on your computer, check the "help" feature of your browser for instructions. Most browsers can be set to refuse cookies. Please note that some of our site features may not work if cookies are disabled.

And, of course, MATHguide collects the information that you choose to provide when you make a post on the forums so that we can archive and display your posts. Please use caution when posting material on MATHguide community forums as your posts become immediately available to the public and may be recorded and stored by anyone.

Use of Data
We understand that your personally identifiable information is private and confidential. That's why we want you to know what we need to offer our services to you and how we use that information. Generally, we use your personally identifiable information to provide you with our services. For example, in order to verify your registration, we (may) use your email address to send you a message after you register so that you can validate your account.

We also use registration information to ensure compliance with our Terms of Service and the law, and to better understand our user base. We use that information in the aggregate to improve our services to you. We also reserves the right to use or disclose any user information if we have reason to believe that user may be violating the law, our rights, or the rights of other MATHguide users.

Finally, MATHguide may send you messages on a regular basis to keep you apprised of your membership status, site developments, and to inform you of new offers. You of course have the option to disable this special service.

Sharing Information with Third Parties
We will not sell personal information.

Special Note about MATHguide Profile
After you register with MATHguide, you are able to create a personal profile with information that you can make accessible to other MATHguide users. Your profile can include a variety of information, including a name, email address, physical location, occupation, or other information such as a photo, listing of recent posts you have made, a personal biography, or other personal information. Please be aware that MATHguide does not generally monitor or review the information in your profile and the information that you choose to provide will be publicly accessible. Please use caution when deciding on what information to include in your personal profile. MATHguide will maintain your personal profile on our servers until such time that you delete or modify that personal profile.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
MATHguide adheres to all COPPA guidelines set by the United States Federal Trade Commmission. MATHguide will also prosecute or assist in the prosecution of any individual or organization that attempts to misuse the system to violate the safety and/or well-being of both minors and those who are legal adults.

Reporting a Problem
MATHguide representatives routinely check the forums. However, it is possible that a viewer may identify a problem before we get to it. In that case, please provide us with a username and the area of the board in question. Click here to use a form.